Do you rely on referrals to grow your business? Would you like to meet a group of professionals that would be interested in passing you a lot of referrals over time? Would you like to increase your business by 20%, 30%, 50% or as much as 100%? You can see results like this! Many have. Some participants have added as many as 50 new clients in the first 2 years!!! Successful businesses depend on word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth advertising is the best advertising there is.
If you answered “Yes” to the above questions, then visit us Thursday morning at the Holiday Inn Express in Clearwater at 7:15 AM.Make sure you bring plenty of business cards to give out and $10 for the breakfast.
If you answered “No” to the above questions, please recommend another great business professional such as yourself to our meeting because we do have a lot of referrals to pass.
Most Wanted Professionals
Immigration Attorney
Commercial Appraiser
Copier Sales
Office Supply
Event Planner
Commercial Mortgage Person
Criminal Defense Attorney
Wedding Planner
Givers Gain®
“If I give you business you’ll give me business and we’ll both benefit as a result.” BNI Founder, Dr. Ivan Misner